Monday, October 17, 2016

Be Mindful of School Zone Safety

TP Brake mascot
I saw recently that the Utica, NY, Police Department was monitoring school speed zones around the city and was planning to carry out such traffic enforcement throughout the school year. Their goal, one TV report noted, was to create a safer environment for children who walk to school.

It’s amazing to me that some drivers don’t automatically slow down at school zones. What’s more precious than our children? In just one day at one elementary school, Utica police stopped eight speeders and issued a total of 14 tickets (some for unlicensed drivers!). (Did you know that if you drive more than 10 mph over the school speed limit in New York, you could face a few days in jail and a $600 fine?)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Summer Fun Without Breakdowns

TP Break & Muffler mascot
The first day of summer is Monday, June 20, and not far behind is the first big holiday here in the U.S. – the Fourth of July.

Summer’s heat and dust and congested traffic will surely be upon us as many take advantage of the long holiday weekend, or even make it a week-long vacation.

Summer takes a toll on our vehicles. Add the effects of last winter, and we could be poised for a breakdown. Periodic maintenance makes a difference between a breakdown and holiday fun.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Don't Depend on Mother Nature

TP Car Talk mascot
A friend of mine is not fastidious about keeping his car clean.

Even in this Spring transition time, with rain and mud commonplace, my friend prefers to wait for the next rainfall to let nature wash his car.

I told him he really needs to do some spring cleaning. First, clean out the cobwebs in his head!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Spring is just around the corner

TP Car Talk mascot
Winter driving gives your car a beating. The salt, grime and sand on the road cover your car. Potholes cause your car to misalign. Rough winter driving wears the tread on your tires. Winter driving also impacts the performance of your brakes.

With Spring around the corner, you’ll want to give your car some gentle loving care – especially after all the rough driving this winter.

Wash that salt and grime off your car and give it a waxing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What to give to your Valentine?

TP Car mascot
Chocolates? Those silky pajamas they sell on TV? A big teddy bear?  Dinner and dancing? They all sound great, don’t they? But not for me. I want to give her something really special. I want to give her safety.

So, I’m starting with a full inspection of her car. She’s pretty good about regular car check-ups, but there’s no harm in getting the once over even between check-ups.

So, here’s what I suggest for you, too…

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Resolutions Already Forgotten?

Don’t tell me. January whizzed by and you already forgot your New Year’s resolutions. I did. So I decided to start a new list. Join me…

I resolve to take good care of my car, including a regular under wash during the months when salt is on the road.

I resolve to change the windshield wipers as necessary so that my line of vision is clear and clean.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Practical Auto Gift for Any Budget

If you want to be a secret Santa, or just get the perfect, last-minute practical gift for a loved one, then consider what I describe as a winter car kit.

It’s something you put together yourself. It’ll fit most any budget. You fill it with as many items as you like. It’s a gift for most any occasion – Christmas, birthday, Valentine’s.